As I'm sure she does every night, ABC News 12 anchor Angie Hendershot threw over to her reporter Siobhan Riley. On this evening, Riley was reporting on a traffic issue in downtown Saginaw, Michigan. Everything seemed normal, until suddenly, Riley made a huge boner. I MEAN "BONER" LIKE A MISTAKE. BONER CAN ALSO MEAN MISTAKE. You can hear it in the above video — the snickering from people who noticed that it was a dick. Keep in mind, there are people who draw dicks on everything — bathroom walls, their passed-out friend's faces, their dream journals — and now they're seeing a dick being drawn on television . Dick drawings have hit the big time! All their hard work has paid off! This is a huge win for douchebags. I don't know if Riley is embarrassed by this or not, but it is too bad that that when a dedicated, hard-working journalist suddenly makes a name for herself, it's because she accidentally drew a penis on TV. I hope this doesn't sti...